This is wonderful. Evocative writing and, for me, an echo of my own youth. I was a college freshman when Born to Run came out. I was a committed "folkie", with Joan Baez, Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell on my turntable (yup, it was that long ago). I got the album for Christmas and thought, "Bruce who?"
Fast forward to the spring of my senior year. I went to lunch with a friend at a local pizza place, and the song Born to Run came on the jukebox. I literally dropped my pizza and stared at my friend. "Oh, my God. What IS this song?" After he stopped laughing at me, he explained.
I went home on the spring day and opened all the windows in our house. I played Born to Run from start to finish about 20 times. Then I had the pleasure of discovering his early albums.
Been the soundtrack of my life!