Karen Shiebler
3 min readSep 4, 2024

When will we ever put a stop to this madness?

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It was a sunny December day. I was in my fifth-grade classroom, checking emails and finishing my lunch. I got a new email from my husband, so I clicked on it calmly.

“I don’t know if you have heard this, honey,” it said, “but there has been a shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut. Lots of kids are dead.”

My heart dropped, as I clapped a hand over my mouth.

“What?” I thought. “Kids have been shot again?”

I opened CNN and began to read the details of what had happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

An entire classroom of kindergarten kids had been massacred in their classroom. They were sitting on the rug in front of the class, where their teacher placed herself to reach each of them.

A sad, bitter, angry young man/boy walked through their door and opened fire on all of them.

Those babies and their teacher were blown to bits in less time than it takes to get one kindergartener to put on his shoes.

Like every decent, loving human in this country, I was overwhelmed with anguish.

Like every single teacher in the entire country, I desperately wanted to gather my children, my students around me. I wanted to be in a place…



Karen Shiebler

A Mother, a grandmother, a progressive voter. I write because it’s getting harder to march and because words are my weapon. I blog at