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Prepare to be Benghazied
How Lindsey Graham is poised to be the new Trey Gowdy.
Here we go again. Now that the Republican Party has come down with situational blindness and acquitted the President, they have switched their attention to the 2020 election.
And it's clear that they’ll be using the same playbook they used last time.
Trump has already rolled out his familiar third-grade bully tactics, calling his opponents by derogatory nicknames. He has stood before Congress and the public rolling out lie after lie in his “State of How I Imagine the Union to Be” speech.
Now it's Lindsey Spineless Graham who is emerging to launch the next attack.
In spite of having previously called Donald Trump “a kook,” Graham has now completely converted and is not only drinking the party kool-aide, he’s also mixing it and serving it himself.
I’m sure we all remember the attack on the American Embassy in Benghazi, Lybia in 2012. The attack happened under the watch of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Four Americans were killed. Many mistakes were made up and down the line.
And the GOP pounced on the incident as if it was a sign of the complete collapse of the American Empire.