Follow The Money

But where the hell is it?

Karen Shiebler
3 min readJun 21, 2024

They always tell us to follow the money. You know, to figure out what kind of corruption is happening, and who benefits. “Follow the money.” It’s like a line from a Mafia movie.

Well, let me tell you, the more I listen to the news these days the more desperately I want to follow the money.

But where the hell is it?

I read today that each campaign has raised well over 90 million dollars so far. That’s a boatload of cash. Where did it all come from?

I have been reading about US aid to Ukraine, in its efforts to stop Russia from taking it over entirely. I’ve read that as of last February, the US had provided 113.4 BILLION dollars to Ukraine. Oof, another boatload of cash.

It seems to me that most of the media coverage of Ukraine aid is about the Republicans denying it and the Democrats demanding more of it. But my question isn’t about the value of stopping Putin in his tracks. My question is this: Where the hell is all of this money coming from?

We can talk about all of the billions being sent to Israel, both before and after they started the genocidal war in Gaza. Did you know that the US sends 3.8 BILLION dollars a year to Israel every damn year? And did you know that all of that cash wasn’t enough to help our dear ally…



Karen Shiebler

A Mother, a grandmother, a progressive voter. I write because it’s getting harder to march and because words are my weapon. I blog at